Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wk 4 Blog Comment 2: Art of Possibility, Chapters 9-12

Curt Isakson writes:

“A distinction is not a standard to live up to, but a framework of possibility to live into.”

The Art of Possibilities, Rosamund Zander, and Benjamin Zander, 2000.

Instead of commenting on just one part of the last chapters of this book, I would like to write down a few simple thoughts on the whole book:

This book has really got me thinking about I interact with the people around me, and how I react to the environment that surrounds me.
I have to remind myself that reality is simply my reality and the perspective I view it from can be so fluid from day to day and moment to moment.  I believe that it is up to me to create my world and to make sure that I try to tackle it from a positive and educated viewpoint and keep the WE factor in mind always.

I cannot say I have had a book that has stuck with me so well as The Art of Possibilities. 

@ Curt…
image from free-extras.com
It would be easy to say the connection you feel with this book lies in the musical connection you have with Ben Zander. So much of what he writes and speaks of relates to his experiences in music. So much of what you have committed your life to is also in that realm.

However, the fact that The Art of Possibility has struck a chord with all of the rest of us is in its simplicity of advice. The common sense that both writers impart to us makes perfect sense. If only local, national and world leaders (and school administrators) would buy into all this. What would result would be the ultimate in Possibility!

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