Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wk 4 Publishing_Leadership Project

image from the ISTE website
In my Wk 3 Publishing/Leadership Project Part 2 blog, I offered four options for presentation and publication.  I have decided to pursue The International Society for Technology in Education, which has three journals and one membership magazine that accepts submissions.  The most interesting choice to me is the magazine, Learning and Leading with Technology, which is a down-to-earth resource for improving student learning through technology.  Since that is what I accomplished with my AR project, it makes the most sense to submit to this magazine.

image from the Consolidated High School
District 230 website

I am also planning on presenting at my school district's April 2012 institute day, with more data as I continue the practice of incorporating more web 2.0 tools into all my courses.

Here is the introduction paragraph for my Publishing/Leadership Project:
All students, including my seniors, have difficulty maintaining a high interest level and motivation throughout the entire length of a semester.  The question I will attempt to answer is whether integrating different forms of digital storytelling into my Mythology course will increase student interest and motivation in that class.  I began by wondering what would happen if I included options for different delivery methods for the presentations my students created in the three rounds of projects that were done during the semester.  I hope to demonstrate that I am improving my practice as an instructor as well as to contribute to the body of literature regarding student motivation and interest when digital storytelling is introduced into a classroom.

This link will download the rest of my paper:  Colletti_Michael_PubLeadProject.docx

Here are the links to my "Think Out Loud" blog posts:
Wk 3 Publishing/Leadership Project part 1 of 2: Presentation v. Publication

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