Monday, September 20, 2010

BP13_Practical Experience_Wikispaces, part 2

The Assignment

On Friday, I invited my Debate class to join as contributors of the AAStaggDebate wiki found at Wikispaces.  As I explained in my BP8 posting, I told the students that this would allow us to share, edit and collaborate on research for upcoming debate tournaments. 

I was able to use the newly-activated student email accounts through our district server.  Each student has an account which they can access from school or home using the same log-in procedure that they use to access the district internet. 
The Invitation to Collaborate

Prior to our class, I copied the list of email addresses from our records system, pasted the list into the email function available through Wikispaces, and sent a standard email message inviting them to join.  I sent a copy to two of my own email addresses to verify that the mail was sent.  I also checked with the district technology department to make sure Wikispaces was accessible for student use on our computers at school, and it is.  So far, so good.

I went to class and gave the students their first assignment:  1) Register their student email accounts, which they had to do since they were recently activated; 2) Open the email I sent them from Wikispaces and follow the links and prompts to register as contributors; 3) Once on the Wiki, leave a post with their name and short message on the ease of making it through the process.  The students had a few questions, but all seemed excited to try this out.  

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